I went to New York & Pennsylvania a few years ago with Diana, and while there we visited the Crayola factory. As our souvenir we each bought a tin can filled with whatever color crayons we wanted. Since I got home that tin has just been sitting in one of my craft drawers collecting dust. This was the perfect project to keep those souvenir crayons, but still put them to good use while decorating my bedroom wall!
So after I found a white canvas at Big Lots I browsed Pinterest for how-to's and ideas. I ended up using a combination of this one: http://megduerksen.typepad.com/whatever/2011/08/you-knew-i-was-going-to-make-one.html and this one: http://www.dillydaliart.com/2011/09/melted-crayon-art.html I liked the idea of the rainbow with the added monogram. The picture above shows my finished project. I'm happy with the results, and it looks great in my room!