I love to knit, crochet, and sew! I also like scrapbooking, card making, beading, and punch needle embroidery. I'm the lead teacher in a pre-k class, and I love it! Gardening is something else I do in an attempt to eat better. I'm addicted to Pinterest. I'm also an architecture & design geek. So these are my adventures.
Friday, November 25, 2011
Christmas Etsy Coupon Code!!
Saturday, November 12, 2011
Trying to Post More...
Anyways, I'm going to try post more often (maybe once a week for starters) though. I've got a list of blog features that never got posted after mid-July that I need to catch up on. (So sorry to my fellow Etsians for that!) I also need to get working on more items for my Etsy shop for the holidays.
Here's a treat for you since I've been away so long: http://www.etsy.com/treasury/MTA0ODY5MTF8MTA5MTgxNjY0NQ/pretty-christmas-house
Enjoy the new treasury, and be sure to check out the great shops! Thank you so much for following me.
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
New Job=No Time!
Tuesday, August 2, 2011
Pinterest Challenge No. 1

One of my favorite blogs that I follow is Young House Love. Last week they came up with a Pinterest Challenge (details found here: http://www.younghouselove.com/2011/07/another-unsuccessful-attempt-to-keep-it-cool/). I'm addicted to pinning things on Pinterest, and especially LOVE finding new crafts and recipes. So I decided to try a new recipe, and it turned out to be delicious! Here's my original pin for Sopapilla Cheesecake: http://pinterest.com/pin/83769872/ (the link to the recipe is in the top right corner). And the picture above is my success! I made only half a recipe since a whole 9"x13" pan of this would completely reverse my efforts to work out. Anyways, it made the house smell lovely and tastes just good.
Here's the link for YHL's completed challenge: http://www.younghouselove.com/2011/08/320-pins/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+YoungHouseLove+%28Young+House+Love%29
I'll let you know when the next one happens so you can join in on the fun!
Friday, July 29, 2011
Etsy Shop Feature: A Cup of Sparkle
Etsy Feature: A Cup of Sparkle
Tell us a little about yourself.
My name is Melike, and I am the hands and the brains behind ACupOfSparkle. I am originally from Turkey and am currently living in Seattle. Jewelry design and crafting has been always a hobby for me since I was very young. I am a big fan of gemstones, gold and silver.
What three words would you use to describe yourself?
Turkish, feminine and creative
How long have you been crafting?
ohh.. I can't even remember. My mom is a super creative person who does all sorts of crafts. I have been crafting with her since I was very young.
When did you start selling on Etsy, and what inspired you to give it a try?
I launched my jewelry line 'A Cup of Sparkle' in December, 2010. I have a treasury of beads and jewelry supplies that I have been collecting for a long time. I like wearing jewelry and have two
sisters, so I was mostly making for myself, my friends, and family. I love the business side of things and I thought I should give it a shot and share my jewelry with others out there. I had a lot of
encouragement from my loving husband.
Besides creating, what are you passionate about?
I have a puppy that I love spending time with. I also kayak and ride bikes with my husband. Other than that my full time job takes most of my time. I also have a blog – acupofsparkle@blogspot.com – that I use to write about what inspires my creations, and to share tutorials and other handmade arts and crafts by other Etsians.
What does your craft space look like? Are you an organized crafter or would you be embarrassed for us to take a peak at your workspace? (Please share a picture if you’re willing)
I am glad you asked this question. It is funny :) I am a very organized person normally, which is also a part of my job at work. However, when it comes to my craft space, which I call "A Cup of
Sparkle Laboratory," I have all of beads and supplies scattered on a table and couple drawers. Mess is how I get creative. Seeing colors and combinations together opens up new ideas for me. I don't believe in the necessity of organization in crafts. I think it is ok to be disorganized and creative at the same time!
Describe your Etsy shop in three words.
Colorful, quality, cheerful
Currently, what are your favorite 3 items from your shop?
I have very different designs and lines of jewelry; from crystal and pearl wire wrapped beading to beaded wire jewelry; but, my favorites are the bird nest branch necklace, green pearl circle of love necklace and sparrow bird nest keychain. I offer most of my jewelry and accessories in custom colors, where I give the option to my customers to pick any color and number of beads they want.
What are some of your favorite Etsy shops?
Etsy is full of very creative people, which is the thing I love about Etsy. One of my favorite shops is StorkandMe , the owner is a friend of mine who is extremely talented. I also like Eidrasa and MaaPstudio
Finally, what suggestions would you make to someone who’s thinking about starting an Etsy shop?
Go for it! If you would like to pursue a business and have had the idea on the back of your mind to start a shop, I think you should give it shot! Be ready for a lot of work though, as Etsy is very
competitive and running your shop will take a lot of time. Stay positive and keep it fun!
Thursday, July 28, 2011
Feature Coming this Week
Since I was at Creation Northwest, which was SO MUCH FUN, last week I didn't post the new Etsy feature. I know I promised to post in either Sunday or Monday, but I've been busy with work so I haven't gotten to it yet. I'll post it this Friday and will change the schedule around a bit so everyone still has the same amount of feature time.
I added some pics of Creation 2011: Switchfoot concert, Toby Mac concert, and the incredible view of Mt. Rainier from our camping area. I had lots of fun meeting new people as I volunteered, and spending time with old friends at the concerts. Being 5'1" in a mosh pit is NOT easy!!
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
Camping...Be Back Soon
Thursday, July 14, 2011
Blog Hop Wednesday!
Here's the blog hop:
Here's the shop hop:
Support other artists and follow their blog or favorite their shop!
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
Etsy feature: Moon Stone Designs pics
These are the pictures that won't cooperate with me.
They're as follows (from top to bottom): shark hat, sheep hat, sewing/work space, and orca hat. I hope you enjoy the new feature and check out her shop regardless of my technical issues.
Etsy Feature: Moon Stone Designs
Etsy shop feature: Moon Stone Designs
Tell us a little about yourself.
I am a crazy busy woman! I always seem to tackle the impossible and succeed most of the time. I am a mother of three boys. I live in a house full of BOYS, even our dog. I was a mother at 16 and still managed to finish high school and I went on to college, and I am the only one in my family to get a college degree. I am now a work-at-home mother and home school my 6 year old in between creating and selling my fashion accessories.
What three words would you use to describe yourself?
Creative, responsible, silly
How long have you been crafting?
I have been crafting since I was a child. I was always interested in how to make everything. My mother and grandmothers taught me many things, and I just keep learning new things.
When did you start selling on Etsy and what inspired you to give it a try?
I have been creating and selling as a side job for many years. I opened my Etsy shop but I really took a lot of time to build it up before I got serious. The fleece animal hats really started after my 5 year old had brain surgery and a shunt placement in the spring of 2010. We spent an entire month at the hospital and when it was time to leave, his hair was gone, he had horrific scars, and a bump from the shunt. I really didn't like having to explain to everyone in the grocery store why his head look liked that! People really couldn't help stare. So, I started making fleece animal hats for him. They turned out amazing and I kept making new designs, people really liked them, and then I started selling them on Etsy. I now sell them around the world. I keep making them for my kids and because I love to see people wearing the hats and having a great time. They are the perfect mix of function and fun.
I continue to be connected to the Seattle Children's hospital and I regularly send hats to children there as well. On my site, you can purchase a hat at a discount and I will send it directly to a child at Seattle Children's Hospital on your behalf, or to the hospital of your choice!
Besides creating, what are you passionate about?
I am passionate about my kids and working hard to be sure they have all that they need to become amazing, fully bloomed, adults.
What does your craft space look like? Are you an organized crafter or would you be embarrassed for us to take a peak at your workspace? (Please share a picture if you’re willing)
I am a somewhat organized crafter. I live in a very small house and my studio is also my bedroom. My workspace started in the living room, but I moved it to the bedroom so that I could shut the door! It works great as long as I keep it clean.
Describe your Etsy shop in three words.
Colorful, fun, affordable
Currently, what are your favorite 3 items from your shop?
I always adore my new designs. The two newest designs are the Orca Whale and the Great White Shark. My all time favorite is the lamb, because it is so soft and adorable.
What are some of your favorite Etsy shops?
Butterflygirldesigns: gorgeous glittering battings for spinning wool
TianaCHE: fashion accessories, expensive, but amazing
JustHatched: cool wooden puzzles for little ones
Finally, what suggestions would you make to someone who’s thinking about starting an Etsy shop?
If you have something unique to sell, get some really great photos. Be patient and diligent. Read the forums and connect with others. Don’t give up, just get better! Be bold.
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
Technical Difficulties
I have been working on some crochet projects for the fair though. I'm hoping all of the items will make it to my Esty shop. I have to find another baby sunhat pattern though since the one I used 1) says it's copyrighted and doesn't want anyone selling the made product and 2) didn't quite turn out as cute as I had hoped. Off to Ravelry for more pattern hunting! The baby crochet mock crocs turned out super cute though. :) Pics to come when I can get it to work.
Sunday, July 3, 2011
Thinking about the Fair

Thursday, June 30, 2011
Blog Hop!
The link-up is open until Sunday I believe so go check it out!
Monday, June 27, 2011
A Few Changes
Second, I added 2 new tabs above the posts for you to enjoy. I've talked about how much I LOVE treasuries as a way to discover new Etsy shops, and the talent everyone has. So now I found an app on Etsy that generates a HTML code for treasuries. One tab is treasuries a few of my items have been featured in, and the other is treasuries I've created. I'm hoping both lists will grow so be sure to check them from time to time and discover new Etsy talent.
That's all for today, and thanks for reading!
Friday, June 24, 2011
Etsy Feature: Earth Roots Jewelry
Earth Roots Jewelry
Tell us a little about yourself.
I am recently out of high school, and enjoy spending my time crafting and creating music. I am a singer and songwriter, and I also enjoy painting and watching films.
What three words would you use to describe yourself?
Old soul, friendly, creative
How long have you been crafting?Since I was about 8 years old.
When did you start selling on Etsy and what inspired you to give it a try?
I used to own a vintage clothing store on Etsy but felt sharing my own creations was more fulfilling. I opened my new store, Earth Roots Jewelry in May 2011. I want to share what I create with others :)
Besides creating, what are you passionate about?
Music. I am going to college in the fall and will be taking music along with herbology courses. I enjoy nature and try to incorporate it into my art and jewelry.
What does your craft space look like? Are you an organized crafter or would you be embarrassed for us to take a peak at your workspace? (Please share a picture if you’re willing)
I'd say I'm a bit of both messy and organized. I keep all my things in one room, but if I have an idea there are beads and paint all over!
Describe your Etsy shop in three words.
New, unique, earthy
Currently, what are your favorite 3 items from your shop?
The painting is my favorite because it took much time and effort. I also like the colored bead necklace and ring.
What are some of your favorite Etsy shops?
I enjoy many shops. Mainly I look for supplies, natural soaps and perfumes, and vintage dresses.
Finally, what suggestions would you make to someone who’s thinking about starting an Etsy shop?
I think they should go for it! Though my new shop only has a few items and starting new is difficult, sharing your work with the world is a beautiful thing and Etsy helps you achieve that. Try to market your store to friends and family and have them pass it on. Also, join a team!
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
Treasuries are FUN
I love making treasuries! First, I look through some of my favorite shops and items. Then I'll start searching for handmade items that fit the category. I love finding new shops and items every time I create a new list. I also enjoy looking at other treasuries, and of course being featured in them! Do you like creating treasuries? What kind of shops and items have you found by either looking at or making a treasury?
Just a reminder that this week Friday I'll be posting a new local Etsy artist feature! Be sure to check back on Friday!
Thursday, June 16, 2011
Apology and a New Treasury
I hope you enjoyed my first Etsy feature last Friday, and they'll keep coming! Enjoy the Seattle themed treasury!
Friday, June 10, 2011
Local Etsy Artist Feature!
Featuring Happy Dog Buttons:
What three words would you use to describe yourself?
How long have you been crafting?
I can’t remember a time when I wasn’t doing some kind of craft. My mom loves to do crafts, so it’s in the genes.
When did you start selling on Etsy and what inspired you to give it a try?
I’ve been selling at craft shows and street fairs and customers would always ask me if I had a website. I like the feeling of community at Etsy.
Besides creating, what are you passionate about?
I love listening to music, I have it on all the time in my craft room and in the car.
What does your craft space look like? Are you an organized crafter or would you be embarrassed for us to take a peak at your workspace? (Please share a picture if you’re willing)
I make attempts at being organized, there are shelves and drawers with files and containers, but my work surface is a mess.
Because I like many different crafts I have piles of material spilling out of the closet, drawers full of jewelry making and card making supplies. I would not let anyone take a picture of my work space.
Describe your Etsy shop in three words.
Currently, what are your favorite 3 items from your shop?http://www.etsy.com/listing/74244823/little-purple-johnny-jump-ups-pocket
What are some of your favorite Etsy shops?
My favorite shop is Creations by M, I by a lot of my images from her, she’s great to work with.
I love the cute little frogs in this shop. The descriptions are great. http://www.etsy.com/shop/madebyclifford
I also like Yesterdays Memories. I’ve purchased my address labels from this shop, the shipping is really quick.
Finally, what suggestions would you make to someone who’s thinking about starting an Etsy shop?
I know a lot of people design their logos and are creative in writing, but I hired someone to help me get set up and I think it really helped me.
Also, make sure you have a large stock of items for your customer to choose from. Even if you specialize in just one thing, offer it in different sizes, designs, colors etc. That’s what disappoints me the most when I look at a shop and they only have 4 items for sale.
Thanks for reading today, and don't miss the next Etsy artist feature!
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
Frustrated to Tears
I found out this week through other Etsians that Taggies has a very very vague patent on "two pieces of fabric sewn together with ribbon loops". I knew all along that Taggies exist, but my Tag-Go Blankies are smaller (10"x10"), I use minky on one side, and my ribbons are different. I assumed I was okay, but apparently NOT! I'm so frustrated and confused right now that I'm in tears trying to decide if I should just leave my adorable Tag-Go Blankies in my shop until someone asks me to remove them or just remove them on my own. It's completely ridiculous how big corporations can wipe out the little business trying to get going with just one broad patent. I've already been dealing with CPSIA guidelines and making sure my items are 100% safe for infants/children. Now finding out that 4 out the 15 items in my shop could get me a lawsuit is horrible! In a way I'd LOVE to keep them in my shop just to say a big "Screw you!" to Taggies. They can't possibly monitor all of the taggie-like items on Etsy since I'm not the only one selling them! But again, they've got lawyers & $$$$ and little me has no funds for a lawsuit. It seriously makes me wonder if my other items are patented. Or should I go patent my Scrubbie-Cloth as nylon netting and cotton yarn?! See how crazy this is! Okay, I think I'm done with my little rant. So I guess this is goodbye to my cute Tag-Go Blankies :(
Here's an old Etsy forum post on the topic: http://www.etsy.com/forums_thread.php?thread_id=5473682
Sunday, June 5, 2011
Featuring Etsy Sellers
Thursday, May 26, 2011
New Way of Listing
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
Welcome Stumblers!
Monday, May 23, 2011
New Fabric a.k.a. Christmas in May!
Thursday, May 12, 2011
Just Keep Sewing (and Knitting and Crocheting)...
I'm going to start a new tradition on my blog (here) and my Facebook page: item of the month. I'll post an item from my Etsy shop for the month and an item on Amazon that goes well with it. So for this month the item is the Duck Tag-Go Blankie pictured to the right------>
I think it makes a great baby gift along with the book "Make Way for Duckings" (one of my favorite childhood books). You can find it on Amazon here: http://www.amazon.com/Make-Way-Ducklings-Robert-McCloskey/dp/0670050172/ref=sr_1_4?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1305229729&sr=1-4

Tuesday, May 3, 2011
Monday, May 2, 2011
New Item on Etsy and Cute Fabric
Here is the adorable jungle animals baby blanket I've been working on.
Thursday, April 21, 2011
Almost Earth Day and Easter
Easter is this Sunday, and it's one of my favorite holidays. As a Christian, I love how this holiday reminds me every year what I believe in and why. I also love how in my church we sing the "Hallelujah Chorus" every year. Such a blessing and moment of awe and praise to our Father!
My project and goal is to finish a dress that I started two summers ago while in Utah, with my cousin, so I can wear it on Easter. I found the cute fabric at a yard sale, and took it along so we could make matching dresses. We started it but got busy going hiking and other stuff, and never finished it while we were together. She showed me her finished dress last summer at our family reunion. Mine has been thrown haphazardly in my closet since I came home two summers ago. Last week I pulled it out, and I'm determined to finish it. The bodice needs to be taken in (YAY!), the skirt shortened (typical since I'm only 5'1"), and put the zipper in. I'm alos thinking of top stitching some ribbon on the bodice, but that can wait if I don't have time before Sunday. So here I go!
Sunday, April 17, 2011
Laundry Detergent
Homemade Powder Laundry Detergent
1 bar of soap (I used Target brand Sensitive Skin)
1/2 cup Borax (I found it at Target)
1/2 cup Washing Soda (I found it at Ace Hardware)
Grate the soap with the fine grate into a bowl. Add the Borax and Washing Soda and mix well. Store in an air tight container. Use 1 Tbls for regular load, 2 Tbls for large or extra dirty load.
After a quick Google search where to buy borax and washing soda I headed to the store. I found all 3 items with no trouble. Right away I found an old bowl, fine cheese grater, measuring cup, and a storage container. I got to work grating the soap (which is the most work you do for this), added the other 2 ingredients, mixed it together, and started a load of wash. By this time I was desperate for clothing that wouldn't make me itchy! As of today it's only been 2 days of wearing clothes washed with my homemade laundry detergent, but the hives are going away. :) All that remains is light pink outlines where the spots used to be, but with Benadryl they're fading. I hope this never happens again. Although, I'm thankful that I could figure it out on my own, and not have to pay a doctor to try figure it out for me.
Monday, April 11, 2011
Happy Spring!
Like flannel blankets and tag blankies such as these:

Here's the front & back of my business cards:

Thursday, January 6, 2011
For 2011, I have added new items to my shop on Etsy. I'm in the process of adding more in the next few days. Go check it out and let your friends know, too.
I just read an amazing blog that has cut out my work for me for the next few weeks. I'm working on improving my business. If you have an Etsy shop and would like some pointers here is the link: http://bottomline.outright.com/self-employment/22-new-years-resolutions-youll-want-to-make/ To promote my products and get more followers I may start offering give aways. So, check back often to win something!
It feels like 2011 has some amazing things in store for A Rainy Day Designs!